What every man should know about testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) [AE1qC9fOMG]

Reviews For Male Enhancement Pills. What every man should know about testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) [AE1qC9fOMG]

Reviews For Male Enhancement Pills

Here's what every man should know about testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). I go into TRT vs steroids, if you're still natty on TRT, if it benefits your gains and more. If you are interested in getting more science-based content, you can subscribe to my free e-mail course: MennoHenselmans.com/Subscribe/ *IMPORTANT CLARIFICATON: If you want to compete in a natural federation, you should check with the organization and show your bloodwork and prescriptions. Play open card. Testosterone is usually officially a banned substance, so you have to get permission to compete. In my experience, this is usually ok if you play open card, but you can't just go and compete while on a banned substance!

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