Institute of Biology


1. Upon receipt of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) and Line Item Budget (LIB) duly signed by DOST officials, the program leader/project Leader (PL) must sign the MOA in wet signature as witnesseth and on every page of the MOA.

2. The IB Project Leader must generate and sign the following request letters separately:

  • A letter addressed to the chancellor through channels requesting for the signing of MOA
  • A letter addressed to the Dean endorsed by the IB Director requesting for the signing of ‘Certification for No Additional Budgetary Outlay at the Institute level’ 
  • A letter addressed to the UPD Budget Office requesting for a ‘Certification for No Additional Budgetary Outlay’.

3. The project leader / research staff submits the documents to the IB admin to affix a DRS number / tracking number on the MOA signing request letter and have it endorsed by the Director of the Institute of Biology and the Dean of the College of Science (4-8 working days)

4. The project leader / research staff receives the endorsed request letters and submits the No Additional Budgetary request letter with the ‘Certification for No Additional Budgetary Outlay at the Institute level’ to the UPD Budget Office.

5. Once a Certification for No Additional Budgetary Outlay is obtained, submit the printed copies of the MOA signing request letter, Certification for No Additional Budgetary Outlay, and signed MOA (original) to the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Development (OVCRD) for endorsement and review. (3-7 working days)

6. OVCRD forwards all documents to the Diliman Legal Office (DLO) for review and endorsement. DLO forwards all documents to the chancellor for his signature on every page of the MOA. The Office of the Chancellor releases the MOA for pick up by the project leader / research staff. (10-20 working days)

7. The project leader / research staff sends the Original MOA to DOST through registered mail. DOST routes the MOA for signatures and notarization, then the DOST Accounting processes the MOA for the generation of a List of Due and Demandable Accounts Payable-Advice to Debit Accounts (LDDAP-ADA). (20-55 working days)

8. The project leader / research staff requests to open a trust account from the UP Chancellor through channels attached with a copy of the chancellor-signed MOA (even without DOST signatures) and signed LIB. This is needed for the transfer of funds from DOST to UP.

9. After transfer of funds, the project leader / research staff submits the official receipt (O.R.) of transfer of funds to DOST.