Institute of Biology


Step 1. Upon completion of all course work, the student may enroll in the first 3 units of the M.S. thesis course (Bio 300 – 3 units) OR the first 3 units of the Ph.D. thesis course (Bio 400 – 3 units)

Step 2. Student requests for the approval of thesis/dissertation topic and submits the following to the admin office one (1) month prior to the presentation: (a) Cover letter with the thesis title, date of proposal defense, name of adviser (including co-adviser who is outside of IB, if any), and name of readers (one reader for MS students AND two readers for PhD Students, unless he/she already has a co-adviser) addressed to the IB Director AND (b) one (1) page capsule proposal. The admin office will have a referendum circulated to the graduate committee.

NOTE: Last day of defense is the last day of finals. Student may request a letter to the dean if the date of the defense will be scheduled beyond this date.

Step 3. The student submits a full thesis/dissertation proposal (endorsed by the Adviser) to the reader(s) at least two (2) weeks before the date of the proposal defense

Step 4. The student ensures that the announcement about the proposal presentation is posted one week before the date of the presentation

Step 5. The student defends his/her proposal. (The adviser will submit a certificate to the admin office that the student has successfully defended his/her thesis)