The Institute of Biology invites you to the

Master’s Examination


Jelaine L. Gan

“Population and Breeding Biology of the North Philippine Hawk-eagle (Nisaetus philippensis) and other forest raptors in Luzon, Philippines”

for the degree of M.S. in Biology


Saturday, 13 June 2020, 10:00 A.M.
Zoom Meeting
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 428 384 2438
Password: FlyJelaine

Thesis Adviser:
Carmela P. EspaƱola, Ph.D.

Thesis Reader:
Camille B. Concepcion-Silvosa, Ph.D.

Thesis Examiners:
Mariano Roy M. Duya, Ph.D.
Jayson C. Ibanez, Ph.D.