Ambrocio Melvin A. Matias, Ph.D. Assistant Professor 6 |
BIO 11 (Fundamentals of Genetics I)
BIO 100 (Statistical Methods in Biology)
BIO 140 (Fundamentals of Genetics)
BIO 240 (Advanced Genetics)
BIO 241 (Population Genetics)
BIO 281 (Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis)
My research interest is focused in the use of intraspecific genetic variations in inferring processes that likely influence the distribution of genetic diversity across space. This includes identification of processes, historical and contemporary, that possibly shaped the present spatial patterns of genetic diversity in the marine system and quantification of the contributions of different seascapes in spatial intraspecific genetic variations.
- Popovic I, Matias AMA., Bierne N, & Riginos C. 2019. Twin introductions by independent invader mussel lineages are both associated with recent admixture with a native congener in Australia. Evolutionary Applications (in press).
- Riginos C, Hock K, Matias AMA, Mumby, PJ, van Oppen MJ, & Lukoschek, V. (in press). Asymmetric dispersal is a critical element of concordance between biophysical dispersal models and spatial genetic structure in Great Barrier Reef corals. Diversity and Distribution.
- Matias, A. M., & Hereward, J. (2018). The complete mitochondrial genome of the five-lined cardinalfish Cheilodipterus quinquelineatus (Apogonidae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources, 3(2), 521–522.
- Matias, A. M. A., & Riginos, C. (2018). Revisiting the “Centre Hypothesis” if the Indo-West Pacific idiosyncratic genetic diversity of nine reef species offers weak support for the coral triangle as a centre of genetic biodiversity. Journal of Biogeography, 45, 1806–1812.
- Matias AM, Anticamara JA, Quilang JP. 2013. High gene flow in reef fishes and its implications for no-take marine reserves. Mitochondrial DNA 24(5): 584-595
- Matias, A.M.A. and Fontanilla, I.K.C. 2011. Optimizing the utility of Allium cepa L. var. aggregatum (sibuyas Tagalog) for the Allium test by elucidating its mitotic periodicity and rhythmicity under varying light conditions. Science Diliman 23(1): 43-51.