Dhat Syndrome premature ejaculation, semen in urine Causes, Treatment, and Myths in Hind in Hindi [Q6fsGzhYHn]

Side Effects Of Red Lips Male Enhancement. Dhat Syndrome premature ejaculation, semen in urine Causes, Treatment, and Myths in Hind in Hindi [Q6fsGzhYHn]

Side Effects Of Red Lips Male Enhancement

Dr Rajiv Sharma - Consultant Psychiatrist M.D. (AIIMS) For Appointments - http://abeautifulmindclinic.com For more information - https://www.abeautifulmindacademy.com Phone - 011- 45065717 Mobile – 9911749320 A Beautiful Mind Clinic C-4C, 380, Janak Puri New Delhi, India culture bound syndrome Dhat syndrome (Sanskrit: धातु दोष,) is a condition in which male patients complaints that they suffer from premature ejaculation or erection problems, and believe that they are passing semen in their urine.Female also c/o discharge from vagina as leucorrhoea

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