Transcript Us Natural Fuel Keto Bhb Powder Gummy Worm. Jelly Roll Celebrates 100-Pound Weight Loss|Legal actions by Jelly Roll [kAn3s1KhaX]Country singer Jelly Roll has achieved an impressive milestone, losing 100 pounds. He shared his incredible journey on Instagram, thanking fans for their support. Jelly Roll credits his weight loss to the guidance of nutrition coach Ian Larios, who helped him adopt a healthier lifestyle. This includes plant-based meals and a rigorous exercise routine. He's also made significant changes to his tour habits, reducing partying and focusing on wellness. #jellyroll #Bunniexo #hollywoodTropical Gummy Hack For Weight LossKeto ACV Gummies: Are Users Satisfied with Their Choices?Keoni Gummies Shark TankMental Fortitude: How Kelly Clarkson Navigated Weight Loss in 2025Keto ACV Gummies: Making Waves on Shark Tank