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Brooklyn King RADIO! PURCHASE BK RADIO MERCH HERE IF INTERESTED.. https://www.zazzle.com/store/tyr_freeman/products AKA "BK RADIO" was a pirate radio and podcast show that debuted in 2000 TO 2015 which makes BK radio older than PODCASTS...easily. So, YES, youre listening to material done YEARS ago. Some of it turned out to be prophetic :) The "two men and one woman" format that "The breakfast club" uses today, was already in use by BK Radio. We already knew that a woman's opinion provided a healthy balance for a male oriented show. The show itself was Free OPINION, free thought, ADULT, vulgar humor with current events. It was REAL talk, no filter, no political correctness or affiliation. FREE RADIO...no sponsors. For the neighborhood, by the people of the neighborhood. The show has been edited due the sensitivity of today's listeners and you tube guidelines. The UNEDITED version of BK radio will be uploaded to WWW.TYRFREEMAN.COM

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