Simple & Effective Exercises For Lazy People | Youtube Shorts [4K1qkWTJ5z]

Keto For Health Gummies. Simple & Effective Exercises For Lazy People | Youtube Shorts [4K1qkWTJ5z]

Keto For Health Gummies

Verified FEELING LAZY?🥱 No problem! Here are some quick and simple exercises to ensure your body is moving even when you're chilling! Exercises like these increase the Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) of the body. What does this mean? NEAT is defined by the calories burned by the body while going about its daily business. Good examples of NEAT increasing activities are playing a musical instrument, fidgeting, walking your dog, or gardening. 🏡 More NEAT is linked to higher metabolic rates and a decreased risk of cardiovascular complications. What are you waiting for? Get moving!👟 Ps:- These exercises are just to get your body moving. You won’t notice any spot reduction from them! #plixlife #fitness #workout #exercise #weightloss

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