Transcript Does Wegmans Sell Cbd Gummies. S5 E5: The U.S. Government’s Role at CBD COP16 [tRA26DFhUx]The United States is one of only two UN Member States that is actually not a party to the Convention on Biological Diversity. Back in the 1990s, the Senate failed to ratify the treaty. But, when the parties meet in Colombia next week at COP16, the U.S. is expected to have a significant presence. Over the years, the U.S. government has been successful at driving ambition in policy, action, and nature finance pledges. In our 3rd episode exploring the themes of the coming CBD COP, Wild Audio checked in with WCS Executive Director of Federal Affairs & Policy Kelly Keenan Aylward to learn more. Reporting: Dan Rosen Guest: Kelly Keenan Aylward e6chs5rnPure Harmony Cbd Gummies Phone NumberJust Cbd Gummies Manufactured 1987Ed Cbd Gummies For SaleHow Long Does Cbd Gummies Take To Take EffectIs Cbd Gummies Good For Sciatica PainUltra Cbd Gummies For DiabeticsCbd Gummies Drug Free