Can Masturbation cause Premature Ejaculation? - Dr Shah [ziTRgVPHGn]

Online vs. In-Store: Where to Purchase Male Enhancement Pills. Can Masturbation cause Premature Ejaculation? - Dr Shah [ziTRgVPHGn]

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Can Masturbation cause premature ejaculation @DrShahDupesh Masturbation is frequently practiced by young adults. Masturbation as a behavior can lead to a variety of sexual health issues. Most important of them is premature ejaculation. Over 85% of my patients report developing premature ejaculation with their partners. This is more so with individuals who regularly masturbate to porn or erotic material. I strongly recommend you abstain from masturbating since, masturbation and pornography is linked with not just premature ejaculation, but also erectile dysfunction, low sex interest and a host of other issues. Watch the full video to learn more on 'can masturbation cause premature ejaculation'. Schedule a consultation below. Please feel free to reach out to me below Or get in touch with us below Connect with us on social channels as below Or us visit us at Dr. Shah's Clinic for Male Infertility & Sexual health No 21, Sree Kalki Apartments, Ground Floor, Bazullah Road, T-Nagar, Chennai - 600017 No: +91-9790783856 Timing: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Link to clinic and directions

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