Eat these pre & post-workout! #shorts [WHAmoNwhF6]

Does Oprah Really Promote Weight Loss Gummies. Eat these pre & post-workout! #shorts [WHAmoNwhF6]

Does Oprah Really Promote Weight Loss Gummies

Hey everyone! I have been a huge advocate for dextrose-based candies, including gummy bears, smartees, sweet tarts, sprees, etc. among others for at least a half-decade now. This is such a vital thing to incorporate into your pre & post-workout routine in order to maximize your results. This will ensure you are refilling your glycogen stores (replenishing your muscles vital carbohydrate energy source). If you want to get lean, ripped, jacked, and feel more energized before and after your workout, have a sweet tooth, and love getting results, then you NEED to add some pre & post-workout dextrose in with your protein shake/other supplements. Follow me on TikTok: @JMarroneHealth

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