Effects of excessive sperm release | Effects of Excessive Masturbation - Dr Shah [xC8v75wmit]

A Powerful Transformation: Why Gummies Can Make the Difference!. Effects of excessive sperm release | Effects of Excessive Masturbation - Dr Shah [xC8v75wmit]

A Powerful Transformation: Why Gummies Can Make the Difference!

Effects of excessive sperm release | Effects of Excessive Masturbation @DrShahDupesh Many doctor's today easily say that regular masturbation has no ill effects as such. That daily releasing of sperm or masturbation excessively really does not harm. But is that true? I do not think so! The Effects of excessive sperm release or excessive masturbation are very detrimental to a mans overall sexual health. These include the development of masturbation causing sexual disorders like erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, low libido and masturbation addiction. The effects of daily sperm release or masturbation can wreck your stable partner relationship and destroy your sexual health completely. Watch the video till the end. Do like, comment and subscribe! Schedule a consultation below. Please feel free to reach out to me below http://www.andrologycorner.com/sexologist-in-chennai Or get in touch with us below https://www.andrologycorner.com Connect with us on social channels as below https://www.facebook.com/ShahsClinic/ https://twitter.com/drdupesh https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzKRnz5kD8gyoaA6tO30F2A/ Or us visit us at Dr. Shah's Clinic for Male Infertility & Sexual health No 21, Sree Kalki Apartments, Ground Floor, Bazullah Road, T-Nagar, Chennai - 600017 No: +91-9790783856 Timing: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Link to clinic and directions https://goo.gl/maps/E1Jwvh1wvsJYcqH46 I hope you enjoyed watching this video on effects of excessive sperm release | effects of excessive masturbation. Watch it till the end.

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