Institute of Biology

Hiring of Research Assistants

HIRING OF RESEARCH ASSISTANTS UP-based researchers and staff  To employ UP-based researchers and staff, a faculty may request through the IB director for an authority to hire AND an authority to fill. These documents are processed through HRDO (through channels). No personnel may be hired until the authority to hire and the authority to fill have been […]

MOA Processing and Transfer of Funds for Research Projects

MOA PROCESSING AND TRANSFER OF FUNDS FORT RESEARCH PROJECTS 1. Upon receipt of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) and Line Item Budget (LIB) duly signed by DOST officials, the program leader/project Leader (PL) must sign the MOA in wet signature as witnesseth and on every page of the MOA. 2. The IB Project Leader must […]

Research Funding

RESEARCH FUNDING Internal funding: UP Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs (OVPAA – Balik PhD, EIDR, ECWRG) UP Office of International linkages (OIL) External funding: DOST grants * Other list of internal and external research funding may be found at the OVCRD and PAASE websites.

Laboratory Waste Collection

LABORATORY WASTE COLLECTION Please use the online laboratory waste collection request form for disposal of all hazardous waste materials. Only requests that are submitted through the link will be considered. You will then be notified if your submitted forms and the required attachments are complete. The waste management flow and other guidelines are also indicated in the form. […]

IB Research Grant Application Process

IB RESEARCH GRANT APPLICATION PROCESS Submit all grant proposal applications to the IB Research Committee Portal. You will be asked to upload pertinent documents including the documents below.  Endorsements. All externally funded projects by IB faculty and REPS* must be endorsed by the UP Diliman Chancellor through channels (IB DDRE and Director –> College of Science ADRIDE […]

Field Trip / Fieldwork Guidelines for Students

FIELD TRIP / FIELDWORK GUIDELINES FOR STUDENTS Class Field Trip / Fieldwork Guidelines for Thesis of UP Students The complete field trip guidelines and forms may be found at the Office of the Field Activities (OFA) website. Procedures for specific activities may be found here. Faculty members in-charge of the field trip or fieldwork (including thesis […]