To assist the Director in the implementation of plans, programs and policies adopted by the IB regular faculty and for the coordination, administration, and supervision of the internal and external operations of IB. To be represented by the elected Heads (preferably with a PhD degree) of each Academic Group and Deputy Directors as Ex-officio members. The term of office of elected Academic Group Heads is co-terminus with the Director, i.e., from August 1, 2018 to July 31, 2021 or unless sooner terminated. The Deputy Directors are appointed by the Director on a yearly basis.
Director, Institute of Biology
Chair, Institute of Biology Executive Committee
To serve as the principal academic, administrative and research leader and chief executive officer of the Institute. To implement approved policies.
Deputy Director for Academic Affairs (DDAA)
To assist the Director in the planning and implementation of the academic plans and programs of the Institute. Specifically, the DDAA is tasked to: (1) lead the academic affairs of the IB, i.e., in both undergraduate and graduate programs; (2) ensure that the academic programs of students are documented and remedial measures are taken whenever necessary and applicable; (3) develop a scheduling and registration on a yearly basis, from which the semestral course offerings are based; (4) prepare the faculty service record; (5) report on the foregoing items on a regular basis; and, (6) work with other Deputy Directors in preparing reporting requirements needed by central administration and funding institutions.
To assist in the review of the recommendation initiated by the Director with regard to recruitment, selection, performance evaluation, tenure, staff development, professorial chairs, and promotion of the academic personnel of the Institute in accordance with the general guidelines formulated by the Diliman Academic Personnel Fellowship Committee and the implementing details laid down by the College Academic Personnel Board. The Director is the Chair of the APC and the members include one (1) representative from each academic rank with a term of two (2) years (1 August 2022 – 31 July 2024) elected at-large by the regular faculty.
Chair: Jonas P. Quilang, PhD (Ex-officio)
Ivan Christian VJ Imperial. MD, PhD (Ex-officio member)
Michael C. Velarde, PhD (Ex-officio member)
Marie Christine M. Obusan, PhD (Ex-officio member)
Professor Level: Elena S. Catap, PhD
Associate Professor Level: Mariano Roy M. Duya, PhD
Assistant Professor Level: Daisy May C. Santos, PhD
Instructor Level: Charmaine R. Peredas
To plan and implement the graduate programs (MS and PhD, including Diploma) pursuant to the approved guidelines of the Institute, the College and the University.
Chair: Jonas P. Quilang, PhD (Ex-officio)
Members: All PhD Faculty Members
To plan and implement the undergraduate program (BS Biology) pursuant to the approved guidelines of the Institute, the College and the University. To evaluate requests for course substitution, assign thesis examiners, deliberate on questions concerning undergraduate thesis, and evaluate applications of shiftees and transferees. It is chaired by the Director and its members include the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, Course Coordinators of Bio 1, 11, 12 and 102, Academic Group Heads and other volunteer members. Only Master’s degree holders and up are considered eligible to be part of the committee [20 October 2014 Regular Faculty meeting].
Chair: Jonas P. Quilang, PhD (Ex-officio)
Ivan Christian VJ Imperial, MD, PhD (DDAA)
Daisy May C. Santos, PhD (Head, MCBAG)
Erika Marie A. Bascos, PhD (Head, DBAG)
Christine Uy-Yabut, PhD (Head, ETAG)
Ambrocio Melvin A. Matias, PhD (Head, GAG)
Elena S. Catap, PhD (Head, PAG)
Nick Ranier S. Santos, PhD (Biology 11 and 11.1)
Jay C. Delfin, PhD (Biology 12 and 12.1)
Charmaine R. Peredas, MSc (Biology 102 and 102.1)
To facilitate the smooth registration of courses for undergraduate and graduate students. To recommend the opening of new courses based on the needs of students and the capabilities of the Institute. To assist the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs in scheduling course offerings.
The BS Bio Program Adviser coordinates with registration advisers for undergraduate students in keeping records of student progress and advising transactions, assisting the students with registration and scheduling issues, and ensuring that the students are aware of important program requirements and timeline.
Graduate program coordinators assist the DDAA in coordinating with faculty, staff, and students to ensure efficient administration of their respective programs. They assist in evaluating applications and facilitate the selection process. They help students with enrollment and registration, ensuring awareness of program requirements and timelines. They provide academic advise and guidance in relation to the program but beyond the scope of the student’s research. They assist the DDAA in keeping records of the students for regular monitoring.
Chair: Ivan Christian VJ Imperial, MD, PhD
Erika Marie A. Bascos, PhD (BS Bio Program Adviser)
Nick Ranier S. Santos, PhD (BS Bio 1st year adviser and enlister)
William C. Buhian, PhD
(BS Bio 2nd year adviser and enlister)
Charmaine R. Peredas, MSc
(BS Bio 3rd year adviser and enlister)
Jay C. Delfin, PhD (BS Bio 4th year adviser and enlister)
Alvin R. Acebedo, PhD (BS Bio 5th year adviser and enlister)
Ivan Christian VJ Imperial, MD, PhD (Dip Bio Program Adviser)
Daisy May C. Santos, PhD (Biology Graduate Program Coordinator)
Leilani S. Dacones, PhD (Microbiology Graduate Program Coordinator)
Academic Group Heads – (Graduate Program Adviser for new graduate students)
All Thesis/ Dissertation Advisers (either official or prospective) – Graduate Program Adviser (and Research Adviser)
To ensure that multi-section Biology courses are implemented following the same standards, schedules and policies. To coordinate in a well-planned manner with the administrative staff assigned to assist in certain laboratory requirements such as collection of specimens, preparation of reagents and glassware, correct disposal of cultures, etc. To facilitate the orderly sharing of specimens, teaching materials and other resources.
BIO 1 Course Coordination Committee
Chair: Ivan Christian VJ Imperial, MD, PhD
Members: All faculty and lecturers teaching BIO 1
BIO 11 and 11.1 Course Coordination Committee
Chair: Nick Ranier S. Santos, PhD
Members: All faculty and lecturers teaching BIO 11/11.1
BIO 12/12.1 Course Coordination Committee
Chair: Jay C. Delfin, PhD
Members: All faculty and lecturers teaching BIO 12/12.1
BIO 102/102.1 Course Coordination Committee
Chair: Charmaine R. Peredas, MSc
Members: All faculty and lecturers teaching BIO 102/102.1
To attend to the special needs of students and other constituents of the Institute and refer them to proper offices/institutions providing health, mental, or social services.
Chair: Jonas P. Quilang, PhD (Ex-officio)
Co-chair: Ivan Christian VJ Imperial, MD, PhD (Ex-officio)
DDAA: Ivan Christian VJ Imperial, MD, PhD
BS Biology Program adviser: Erika Marie A. Bascos, PhD
Biology Graduate Program coordinator: Daisy May C. Santos, PhD
Microbiology Graduate Program coordinator: Leilani S. Dacones, PhD
Lillian Jennifer V. Rodriguez, PhD
Lerrie Ann D.G. Ipulan-Colet, PhD
Joyce A. Ibana, PhD
Noel A. Lumbre
Bio 101, Bio 133, Bio 196, Bio 230, Bio 232, Bio 233, Bio 296, Bio 299, Bio 395, Bio 399
Bio 111, Bio 112, Bio 114, Bio 115, Bio 116, Bio 117, Bio 118, Bio 119, Bio 160, Bio 161, Bio 162, Bio 164, Bio 165, Bio 170, Bio 171, Bio 180, Bio 191, Bio 196, Bio 210, Bio 260, Bio 262, Bio 263, Bio 265, Bio 271, Bio 281, Bio 296, Bio 299, Bio 395, Bio 397 (Forensic Biology, Cave Biology, Molecular Ecology, Ethnobiology, Restoration Ecology, Biodiversity Science, DNA Barcoding and Molecular Phylogenetics of Philippine Medicinal Plants), Bio 399
GAG Head
Bio 140, Bio 180, Bio 191, Bio 196, Bio 240, Bio 241, Bio 242, Bio 243, Bio 244, Bio 281, Bio 296, Bio 299, Bio 395, Bio 397 (Moleular Phylogenetics, Forensic Anthropology, DNA Barcoding and Molecular Phylogenetics of Philippine Medicinal Plants), Bio 399
Bio 113, Bio 120, Bio 123, Bio 125, Bio 141, Bio 150, Bio 151, Bio 163, Bio 171, Bio 196, Bio 250, Bio 251, Bio 271, Bio 296, Bio 299, Bio 395, Bio 397 (Forensic Biology, Current Trends in Microbial Diagnostics and Community Analysis, Bioenergy Technology, Food and Feed Safety, Cell Cycle Control), Bio 399, All Micro Courses
PAG Head
Bio 121, Bio 122, Bio 134, Bio 196, Bio 220, Bio 221, Bio 222, Bio 224, Bio 296, Bio 299, Bio 322, Bio 395, ,Bio 397 (Forensic Biology, Immunotoxicology, Plant Physiological response to Climate Change), Bio 399
Deputy Director for Facilities & Resources (DDFR)
To assist the Director in planning, managing, and maintaining the physical facilities (and associated services) of the Institute, allocating resources for these facilities, and addressing administrative concerns relevant to the management of both resources and facilities.
1. to oversee personnel tasked to perf onn functions relevant to the management and operation of physical facilities and associated services;
2. to serve as primary liaison between/among IB administration and internal (e.g., UP officials) and external ( e.g., alumni) stakeholders involved in matters relevant to the management and operation of physical facilities and associated services;
3. to develop plans and projections for the facilities and resources of tbe Institute in coordination with administrative officials, personnel, clients, and other stakeholders;
4. to lead the management of physical facilities (and associated services);
5. to coordinate with the Director and concerned personnel regarding the allocation of resources (budget, donations, etc.) for facilities
To address administrative staff concerns. To recommend the judicious use of facilities and resources. (needs in terms of cleanliness, safety and security)
Chair: Jonas P. Quilang, PhD (Ex-officio)
Marie Christine M. Obusan, PhD (DDRF)
Noel A. Lumbre (AO)
Lourdes E. Cometa (Supply Officer)
Edwin A. Balbin (Building Administrator)
Leonardo D. Yco (Building Administrator)
To screen, rate, and interview applicants for administrative positions. The Director serves as Chair, the DDA as Vice-Chair, and the members include two representatives per rank and a representative of a negotiating union from among the IB Administrative Staff.
Chair: Jonas P. Quilang, PhD (Ex-officio)
Marie Christine M. Obusan, PhD (DDRF)
Noel A. Lumbre (AO)
Marie Asterlu Limon (Member)
Nissa Salido (Member)
Charles R. Pagador (Member)
- Manage IB Teaching Lab supplies and equipment: Facilitate the conduct of regular regular (per semester) inventory of Teaching Lab supplies and equipment to ensure smooth delivery of IB Lab courses. Use inventory for procurement and repair/maintenance requests ahead of semester start.
- Manage IB Teaching facilities: Facilitate the conduct of regular (per semester) inventory of Lecture room supplies and equipment to ensure smooth delivery of IB Lab courses. Use inventory for procurement and repair/maintenance requests ahead of semester start.
- Manage IB Research facilities: Facilitate the conduct of regular (annual) inventory of Research Lab Facilities and Equipment to ensure smooth operations of research in IB
- Manage IB staff with Academic functions: Assist in the regular planning, monitoring, and assessment of IB staff with Academic/Research related functions
- Manage IB Infrastructure development and operations: Conduct regular assessment and planning to ensure that operations and development of IB infrastructure and facilities can meet the demands for teaching, research, and extension of the Institute.
Chair: Jonas P. Quilang, PhD (Ex-officio)
Co-Chair: Marie Christine M. Obusan, PhD (Ex-officio)
Michael C. Velarde, PhD (Ex-officio Member)
Ivan Christian VJ Imperial, MD, PhD (Ex-officio Member)
Noel A. Lumbre (Ex-officio Member)
Erika Marie A. Bascos, PhD (DBAG Representative)
Severino G. Salmo, PhD (ETAG Representative)
Jessica D. Rey, PhD (GAG Representative)
Gil M. Penuliar, PhD (MCBAG Representative)
Elena S. Catap, PhD (PAG Representative)
William Patrick C. Buhian, PhD (PAG Representative)
To manage the maintenance and activities in the IB grounds.
To draft and implement policies on the use of IB grounds.
Approve field trip in IB grounds.
Chair: Lillian Jennifer V. Rodriguez, PhD
Marie Christine M. Obusan, PhD (Ex-officio Member)
Carmela P. Española, PhD
Marvin B. Berdin
Mariano Roy M. Duya, PhD
Noel A. Lumbre
(Ramon M. Bandong)
Assists in labelling and inventory of wastes and in coordinating with authoritized agencies for disposal
Chair: Zenth Gaye A. Orozco-Bautista, PhD
Edwin Balbin
Joichell Orias
Deputy Director for Research & Extension (DDRE)
To assist the Director in the planning and implementation of the research programs of the Institute. To coordinate with the faculty and staff as well as external agencies and/or entities the extension activities of the Institute. Specifically, the DDRE is tasked to: (1) lead in the development of research and extension programs of the Institute through a series of consultations with the different academic groups and with faculty members; (2) work with funding institutions in identifying their research and training priorities and how IB’s expertise and interest can be tapped; (3) report on a regular basis on the progress of these programs; and, (4) work with other Deputy Directors in preparing reporting requirements needed by the central administration and funding institutions.
To evaluate and recommend research proposals for funding, to evaluate and endorse progress reports of approved projects, and to evaluate RLC applications. It is chaired by the Director and its members include the DDRE, DDAA, and one representative from each Academic Group who has a PhD degree and on-going research project.
Chair: Jonas P. Quilang, PhD (Ex-officio)
Michael C. Velarde, PhD (DDRE)
Ivan Christian VJ Imperial, PhD (DDAA)
Alvin R. Acebedo, PhD (DBAG Representative)
Jonathan A. Anticamara, PhD (ETAG Representative)
Ambrocio Melvin A. Matias, PhD (GAG Representative)
Joyce A. Ibana, PhD (MCBAG Representative)
Elena S. Catap, PhD (PAG Representative)
To evaluate and recommend extension proposals for funding, to evaluate and endorse progress reports of approved projects, and to evaluate ELC applications. It is chaired by the Director and its members include the DDRE, DDAA, and one representative from each Academic Group who has a PhD degree.
Chair: Jonas P. Quilang, PhD (Ex-officio)
Michael C. Velarde, PhD (DDRE)
Ivan Christian VJ Imperial, PhD (DDAA)
Lerrie Ann D.G. Ipulan-Colet, PhD (DBAG Representative)
Mariano Roy M. Duya, PhD (ETAG Representative)
Ambrocio Melvin A. Matias, PhD (GAG Representative)
Leilani S. Dacones, PhD (MCBAG Representative)
Elena S. Catap, PhD (PAG Representative)
To plan and recommend biological, chemical and physical safety measures at the Institute.
Chair and Safety, Health and Environment Officer:
Ian Kim B. Tabios, MD, PhD
Elena S. Catap, PhD
Carmela P. Española, PhD
Gil M. Penuliar, PhD
Michael C. Velarde, PhD
Leonard Yco
Edwin Balbin
Marie Asterlu B. Limon
Health Liaison Officer:
Ivan Christian VJ Imperial, MD, PhD
The Health Liaison Officer is assigned to
1) Ensure the compliance of their office/unit to the University’s guidelines;
2) Undertake a risk assessment of their respective offices/units;
3) Send a daily report to the UPHS-Public Health Unit (UPHS-PHU) regarding the number of suspected and positive COVID-19 cases in their office/unit, even zero number of cases.;
4) Assess their office’s or unit’s situation if a staff/faculty gets infected;
5) Communicate directly with the UPHS-PHU regarding the situation of the patient and the office; and
6) Help plan and implement their offices or unit’s response to the situation based on the UPHS-PHU’s assessment and suggestions; andg. Update their respective office or unit on their co-worker’s situation and UPHS-PHU assessment.
Consolidates the faculty’s expert opinion into formal statements, letters, popular article, and/or policy papers of national interest
Chair: Erika Marie A. Bascos, PhD
To coordinate and announce the schedule of seminars to be held at the Institute and other venues as well as other pertinent information related to the academic activities of the Institute. To prepare brochures and other materials about the Institute. To maintain the IB website
Chair and IB Information Officer:
Ahmad Reza F. Mazahery, PhD
Erika Marie A. Bascos, PhD
Nick Rainier S. Santos, MSc
The Chair of SWAID is also the IB Information Officer whose duties include:
- generating, providing, and disseminating timely, accurate and quality information about the unit programs, policies, events, initiatives and other information to faculty, staff, students, alumni and the public;
- writing statements and news stories of the events and initiatives in the unit for printing; submission, publication, and posting in the CU publications, website and social media accounts; and submission to the UP SIO for publication in the UP Newsletter, UP Forum, other UP system Information materials, and social media accounts.
[Memorandum No. PAEP 13-09 dated 17 April 2013 entitled “Improving the UP Information System and Increasing Institutional Visibility” and Memorandum No. CAS-13-051 dated 16 September 2013”]
Jose Vera Santos Memorial Herbarium Curator:
Edwino S. Fernando, PhD
Lillian Jennifer V. Rodriguez, PhD
To manage (documentation, preservation, retrieval, coordination with other herbaria) the collections available in the Herbarium. To coordinate the use of the Herbarium for teaching and research purposes.
Invertebrate Museum Curator:
Francis S. Magbanbua, PhD
Christine Jewel C. Uy, PhD
To manage (documentation, preservation, retrieval, coordination with other museums) the collections available in the museum. To coordinate the use of the museum for teaching and research purposes.
Vertebrate Museum Curator:
Severino G. Salmo, III, PhD
Mariano Roy M. Duya, PhD
To manage (documentation, preservation, retrieval, coordination with other museums) the collections available in the museum. To coordinate the use of the museum for teaching and research purposes.
Developmental Biology Academic Group (DBAG) Head
Physiology Academic Group (PAG) Head
Ecology and Taxonomy Academic Group (ETAG) Head
Microbiology and Cell Biology Academic Group (MCBAG) Head
Genetics Academic Group (GAG) Head
To coordinate and facilitate the recording of minutes of faculty meetings as well as the record of attendance and submit a copy to the IB Office for filing purposes.
Charmaine R. Peredas, MSc
All Instructors
QA Team
QA Officer:
Ivan Christian VJ Imperial, MD, PhD (tentative)
Ensures that the academic programs offered by the Institute of Biology meets University, national, and international standards (e.g. UP IAADS, CHED, AUN)
QA Support Staff:
Marie Asterlu B. Limon
Develops, maintains, and improves the Institute's system of documenting, recording, and summarizing information related to the academic programs