Institute of Biology



Assistant Professor 7
PhD in Medical Science

Mechanisms of the sexually dimorphic morphogenesis of mammalian external genitalia

Assistant Professor 7
PhD in Biology

Developmental Biology of Vascular Plants, Biology of Rafflesia (microbiome, host-parasite interactions), Plant Tissue Culture

Assistant Professor 7
PhD in Life Sciences

Regulation of developmental processes, hormone and teratogen mechanisms in development and muscle regeneration

Assistant Professor 7
PhD in Life Sciences

Stem Cell Biology, Disease Modelling, Cancer Biology


Professor 4
PhD in Resource Management and Environmental Studies

Coastal-Marine Biodiversity, Coral Reefs, Conservation and Resource Management, Fisheries

Associate Professor 1
PhD in Biology

Taxonomy, Biogeography, Ecology of wildlife vertebrates (particularly terrestrial mammals)

Associate Professor 2
PhD in Conservation Ecology

Conservation Ecology, Wildlife Biology, Ornithology, Avian Frugivore Ecology

Edwino S. Fernando Photo

Edwino S. Fernando, PhD

PhD in Botany

Plant Ecology, Taxonomy and Systematics

Instructor 7
MS in Biology

Parasitology, Molecular Helminthology, Medical Malacology

Instructor 7
MS in Biology

Migration Ecology of Birds

Lawrence R. Heaney Photo

Lawrence R. Heaney, PhD

Adjunct Faculty
PhD in Systematics and Ecology

Biogeography, Mammalian Taxonomy and Systematics

Ireneo L. Lit, Jr. Photo

Ireneo L. Lit, Jr., PhD

PhD in Systematic Entomology

Insect Ecology, Taxonomy and Systematics

Professor 1
PhD in Zoology

Freshwater Ecology

Instructor 7
MS in Biology

Insect Ecology, Taxonomy and Systematics

Associate Professor 5
PhD in Evolutionary and Biodiversity Science

Tropical forest ecology, Plant-insect interactions, Philippine fig-wasp systems, Restoration ecology

Associate Professor 7
PhD in Biological Science

Mangrove Ecology, Restoration Ecology, Biodiversity, Conservation Biology

Assistant Professor 7
PhD in Life Sciences

Insect Taxonomy, Systematics and Phylogeny


Professor Emeritus
PhD in Biology

Genetics, Cyanobacterial and Microalgal Biotechnology, Plant Cell and Molecular Biology

Professor 8
PhD in Genetics

Molecular Genetics and Phylogenetics, Malacology, Parasitology

Assistant Professor 7
PhD in Evolutionary Biology (Genetics)

Genetics, Reef connectivity

Professor 8
PhD in Biology

Population Genetics and Genomics, Fish Molecular Genetics and Systematics, Aquatic Biology

Associate Professor 6
PhD in Biology

Genetics of commercially important fish species

Assistant Professor 7
PhD in Biology

Plant Genetics

Instructor 7
MS in Biology

Molecular and Population Genetics, Fish Genetics


Assistant Professor 7
PhD in Biology

Protozoology, Parasitology, Molecular detection, Phylogenetics and Immunological detection​

Professor 6
PhD in Microbiology and Immunology

Reproductive Immunology, Host-Pathogen Interactions, Drug Discovery

Assistant Professor 5
Doctor of Medicine, PhD in Biology

Immunology, Cell Biology, Microbiology, Medical Biology

Associate Professor 3
PhD in Environmental Science

Microbial Ecology of Aquatic Systems

Associate Professor 6
PhD in Medical Science

Medical Microbiology

Professor 12
PhD in Medical Science

Protozoology, Applied Bacteriology, & Medical Biotechnology

Assistant Professor 7
PhD in Biology

Genetics and Molecular Biology of Plants and Cyanobacteria

Associate Professor 7
PhD in Biological Science

Microbial Ecology and Biotechnology

Assistant Professor 5
PhD in Plant Pathology

Mycology, Population biology of fungal plant pathogens

Professor 7
PhD in Physiology and Biophysics

Cell Biology (Cell Aging and Cell Cycle Control)


Assistant Professor 6

Plant-microbe interactions, Plant secondary metabolites, Molecular biology

Professor 3
PhD in Aquaculture

Aquatic Animal Health, Fish Immunology, and Pathology

Assistant Professor 5
PhD in Bioscience

Functional genomics: biosynthesis of plant hormone & specialized metabolites, plant development

Assistant Professor 6
PhD in Aquatic Bioscience

Nutrigenomics and Physiological studies in Aquatic organisms

Instructor 7
MS in Biology

Antispasmodic Activity and Mechanisms of Plant Extracts

Associate Professor 7
PhD in Biology

Plant Physiology

Assistant Professor 7
MD-PhD in Molecular Medicine

One Health in Neglected Tropical Diseases, Multi-omics approach to Health, Medical Helminthology