Institute of Biology


Class Field Trip / Fieldwork Guidelines for Thesis of UP Students

The complete field trip guidelines and forms may be found at the Office of the Field Activities (OFA) website. Procedures for specific activities may be found here.

Faculty members in-charge of the field trip or fieldwork (including thesis work) must request a permit from OFA Diliman at least seven (7) days prior to the activity date. Since the permit will also require the endorsement of the IB director and the CS dean, it is best to give an additional 1-2 weeks lead time for processing. MOUs and MOAs may be required depending on the nature of the activity. Below are some of the documents needed for processing

* For travel reimbursements, faculty must also accomplish the Certificate of appearance and travel completion and a cover letter to the Chancellor.

Non-UP Student Interns who would be joining a field activity need not to secure a permission from OFA but must obtain a permission from the CS college dean, IB director, and the students’ home institution, following the guidelines indicated in the agreement (MOU/MOA) between UP and the students’ home institution.