Submit all grant proposal applications to the IB Research Committee Portal. You will be asked to upload pertinent documents including the documents below.
Endorsements. All externally funded projects by IB faculty and REPS* must be endorsed by the UP Diliman Chancellor through channels (IB DDRE and Director –> College of Science ADRIDE and CS Dean –> the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Development (OVCRD) –> Chancellor’s Office).
*No member of the University personnel shall engage in outside activities without prior authorization from the Chancellor, upon endorsement by the Dean, Director, or head of office concerned, subject to the exigencies of the service. (10.3.2 of UPD Faculty Manual 2003)
Indirect Costs. All projects funded by an agency outside of UP must include indirect (admin) costs [under Policy and Guidelines on the Use of University Administrative Overhead Funds; amended at 1037th BOR meeting, Jan. 31, 1991 and 1147th BOR meeting, Dec. 21, 2000] (10.3.6.d of UPD Faculty Manual 2003)].
- For DOST projects, allot 7.5% of PS/MOOE to indirect cost of the implementing agency (UP/IB) and another 7.5% of PS/MOOE to indirect cost of the monitoring agency (e.g. PCHRD, PCIEERD, PCAARRD).
- For all other projects, allot at least 10% to indirect cost.
Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS). Some international funding agencies may request for a DUNS number. If so, please contact OVCRD to obtain one prior to the submission of your proposal. Alternatively, you may coordinate with a foundation or organization (e.g. Marine Environment Resources Foundation, Inc (MERF) of the Marine Science Institute (MSI)) that has a DUNS number and a MOA with UP.