Institute of Biology

Terrestrial Research in Ecology and Evolution Laboratory

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The research thrust of the Terrestrial Research in Ecology and Evolution Laboratory TREE lab is focused on taxonomy, conservation ecology, and phylogenetics in terrestrial systems. Current activities include research on avian biology and ecology, terrestrial community ecology, biocultural diversity conservation, ethnobotany, plant-animal mutualistic networks in urban green spaces, recruitment limitation of tree species in reforested landscapes, forest succession after disturbances in geothermal sites, ecology and evolution of Philippine fig-wasp systems, diversity and taxonomy of Philippinev Brachyceran True Flies (Diptera), succession of carrion-related insects especially in Dipterans and Coleopterans. Funding sources include the National Science Research Institute (NSRI), Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Development (OVCRD) PhD Incentive Awards, Energy Development Corporation (EDC), and Research Microgrant from the Philippine Tropical Forest Conservation Fund, Inc (PTFCF).

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