Step 1. Upon completion of thesis proposal defense, student may enroll in the last 3 units of the M.S. thesis course (Bio 300 – 3 units) OR the last 3 units of the Ph.D. thesis course (Bio 400 – 3 units = must complete 12 units in total). The student submits the manuscript to the reader(s) at least two (2) months before the date of the defense, with endorsement from the Adviser and co-adviser (if any).
Step 2. Upon endorsement of the manuscript by the reader(s), the student needs to submit a (A) cover letter with the thesis title, request for the appointment of examiners, and date of defense addressed to the IB Director, endorsed by the adviser (including co-adviser who is outside of IB, if any), (B) one (1) page thesis abstract, AND (C) letter of endorsement by the adviser, co-adviser (if any), and reader(s) with the finalized schedule of the defense through this link at least (1) month before the schedule of the defense. The admin office will have a referendum circulated to the graduate committee.
NOTE: Last day of defense is the last day of finals. Student may request a letter to the dean if the date of the defense will be scheduled beyond this date.
Step 5. The student will defend his/her thesis/dissertation.
Step 6. The student submits a final thesis/dissertation manuscript and a soft copy to IB and CS upon endorsement/signing of the Thesis Adviser and Reader for signature and binding.
FOR PhD STUDENTS: Students must also submit a copy of one (1) paper (as primary author) derived from Dissertation Research and accepted for publication in a highly reputable journal.
FOR PhD STUDENTS BY RESEARCH: Students must submit two (2) papers, instead. Students must also give an oral presentation in an international scientific conference within three (3) years of the program or in a national scientific conference within two (2) years of the program.