Research Lab – Molecular Ecology and Systematics Laboratory
Molecular Ecology and Systematics Laboratory The Molecular Ecology and Systematics Laboratory (MESLab) is a research-oriented laboratory under the Ecology and Taxonomy Academic Group and the Genetics Academic Group of the Institute of Biology, University of the Philippines – Diliman. Established in 2012, the laboratory conducts ecological and taxonomic research on forest floras, primarily focusing on long-term dynamics […]
Research Lab – DNA Barcoding Laboratory
DNA Barcoding Laboratory The DNA Barcoding Laboratory (DBL) aims to generate DNA barcodes in order to populate the Philippine faunal database. As of 2014, DBL has already generated DNA barcodes from 83 species from the Philippines, which include birds, fishes, snails, and nematodes, with more barcodes expected in the coming years. DBL also elucidates phylogenetic […]
Research Lab – Terrestrial Research in Ecology and Evolution Laboratory
Terrestrial Research in Ecology and Evolution Laboratory The research thrust of the Terrestrial Research in Ecology and Evolution Laboratory TREE lab is focused on taxonomy, conservation ecology, and phylogenetics in terrestrial systems. Current activities include research on avian biology and ecology, terrestrial community ecology, biocultural diversity conservation, ethnobotany, plant-animal mutualistic networks in urban green spaces, […]
Research Lab – Philippine Reef Biodiversity
Philippine Reef Biodiversity Laboratory Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla […]
Research Lab – Forest Ecology, Systematics and Taxonomy Laboratory
Forest Ecology, Systematics and Taxonomy Laboratory The Forest Ecology, Systematics and Taxonomy Laboratory (ForEST) conducts ecological and taxonomic research on forest floras, primarily focusing on long term dynamics of tree communities. DNA barcoding, permanent plot establishment, phenological surveys, and herbarium curation are concurrently conducted to understand forest resistance and resilience to significant disturbances within a […]
Research Lab – Aquatic Biology Research Laboratory
Aquatic Biology Research Laboratory The Mammalian Cell Culture Laboratory (MCCL), headed by Dr. Sonia D. Jacinto, maintains different human cancer cell cultures which are especially used in researches aimed towards discovery of potential anticancer drugs. Focusing on extracts from various Philippine endemic terrestrial plants, the MCCL aims to move the cancer research in the country […]
Research Lab – Mammalian Cell Culture Laboratory
Mammalian Cell Culture Laboratory The Mammalian Cell Culture Laboratory (MCCL) was founded in 2011 by then Institute of Biology Professor, Dr. Sonia D. Jacinto, who has peerless passion for studying the potential of Philippine plant natural products in targeting cancers, inflammatory diseases and other globally important diseases. The laboratory, which was initially an academic research site, grew throughout […]
Research Lab – Animal Developmental Biology Laboratory
Animal Developmental Biology Laboratory Our lab focuses on identifying mechanisms that regulate the development of a single cell fertilized cell to a functional multicellular animal. Signaling pathways and cellular events are most active during this stage. Hence, this serves as a perfect platform in identifying how different substances or exposures could affect normal developmental program […]
Research Lab – Biodiversity Research Laboratory
Biodiversity Research Laboratory The Biodiversity Research Laboratory was set up to answer a very simple question: “Are we succeeding in conserving Philippine Biodiversity?” Long term ecological research is key to produce answers that are comparable across space and across time. Major research components include understanding tropical forest dynamics and how wildlife responds, biology of selected […]
Research Lab – Pathogen-Host-Environment Interactions Research Laboratory
Pathogen-Host-Environment Interactions Research Laboratory The Pathogen-Host-Environment Interactions Research Laboratory (PHEIRL), formerly Molecular Protozoology Laboratory (MPL), is the first and only laboratory in the Philippines devoted to the characterization of molecular mechanisms of pathogenicity of protozoan parasites. It was established in 2001, headed by Windell L. Rivera, Ph.D. MPL’s primary aim was to describe pathogenic protozoans isolated from various habitats based on […]