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Qingbei admissions office, and even a teacher from peking university directly said that he had boarded the plane to city a and came to send him a notice although xie chongxing was a.

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Raised these bonuses add up to a total of one million when the principal gave him the award, his eyes narrowed with a smile, and he added a bonus of 5,000 yuan privately although he was.

University s admissions office repeatedly emphasizes that there is no problem, as long as he goes, qin zhongyue can follow xie chongxing asked qin zhongyue if he wanted to go to tsinghua.

Him you lived a carefree life since childhood, do you know what kind of life he lived you have been with him for so long, don t you know you wear gold and silver at home, and he is under.

Mother would also see it he didn t mean anything else, he just wanted to tell her that he was very good now, and he could live a good life on his own when he was about to walk in front of.

Right after a while, qin zhongyue asked in a low voice then how can I restore my image in his mind qin xiangqian couldn t say a word try to keep your mouth shut, don t be too blunt, don t.

Flattered, hey, what a shame even so, he opened his mouth happily and bit the piece of mango into his mouth, thinking, xie chongxing fed him himself, so sweet at this moment, a high.

Kiss, you won t lose your first kiss as he spoke, he stretched out his hand, palm facing up, and said to qin zhongyue, kiss qin zhongyue qin zhongyue grabbed xie chongxing s hand.