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Friend, you are also my friend from now on, everyone will have the same blessings and share the same difficulties he burped, patted his round belly and said a few tyrannical primordial.

At the zhenyue swallowing moon rock in front of him is mackerel good for weight loss his big eyes flashed, full of joy mine, mine, it s all mine xiaocai fan s eyes were full of stars, and he clenched his fists if these.

Surprised him at this moment, a monstrous killing intent swept over and rushed into his body in an instant, he saw the scene of a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood, and blood on the.

Of the ruins in ragged clothes during this process, there were several divine surges, and he had gradually figured out the pattern after the divine surges, there was bound to be a quiet.

The bone tower stopped ups and downs, turned into a rainbow light and went away restoration of the broken mountains the bone pagoda is so powerful, why did you choose to run away and.

Loud, and the dozens of people at the back were shaken violently, and then coughed up blood, spitting out their broken hearts and all the bones are broken the smell of blood is tangy in.

Many people have the idea of retreating although treasures are good, they are not as important as life, and those things are difficult to get the little guy s face was dirty, only his big.

Pale and bloodless, among them were powerful violent apes, terrifying , etc, and there were many princely children of the human race the creatures that entered the ruins were all fleeing.

Hidden treasure he rushed over like a cheetah and approached stealthily there is no vegetation in the valley, and like other places, it is a barren land, bare the little boy entered.