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Fan yu said that when one s mental detection can reach 100 meters, one can become his student after seeing the terrifying power of the soul tool and listening to he caitou s introduction.

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Wang dong and huo yuhao walked over together looking at the two of them, zhou yi nodded in satisfaction, and said, yes, there are finally two bloody children tell me, who are you fighting.

Present showed doubts in unison, and wang dong directly raised his hand to cover his eyes it s shameful, it s too embarrassing, to lose to an eleventh level with my own cultivation wait.

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Haven t figured out what skill you used to defeat me that day could it be that your martial soul is a spiritual attribute huo yuhao nodded wang dong was taken aback, it s really a.

Students to study hard because there was no clear arrangement of seats, this time wang dong and huo yuhao sat together the two children who were only eleven years old actually looked.

Tuition fee for one year is ten gold coins, plus the usual expenses although huo yuhao prefers to devote all his energy to cultivation, he still has to live tang ya smiled and said, you.

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You admit that you lost if I had used a knife just now, you would have died huo yuhao growled without showing any weakness at this time, he was in close contact with wang dong s body, and.

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