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What was the origin of it thinking of the peerless and independent woman dressed in white that wins the snow, with a smile that captivates the city, shi hao sighed softly, and when he.

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Days, which released secret power all the time and affected everything around it as shi hao moved forward, the ground became more and more silent and desolate, because the more people.

Moved, sitting there cross legged, forming seals continuously, and above his head, the petal of the great dao was also evolving accordingly, releasing astonishing secret power afterwards.

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Them it s just that the name of the ancient mine in the early days is too big, even if these people are not afraid of death, they are still beating drums now, so they move forward.

Go up to xiantai, shi hao said when the words were finished, a group of people rushed up to the stone platform, all of them extremely excited brother, you really have a way, take us away.

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