Institute of Biology

Research Lab – Public Health Biology and Innovations Laboratory

Public Health Biology and Innovations Laboratory The Public Health Biology Laboratory (PHBio) conducts biological research activitiesthat focus on the diagnosis, control, and prevention of diseases affecting Filipinos We provide baseline and updated epidemiological data on neglected tropical diseases and rare genetic disorders to inform health program managers and policy makers We examine morphological and molecular signatures that can be […]

Research Lab – Plant Physiology Research Laboratory

Plant Physiology Research Laboratory Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla […]

Research Lab – Functional Bioactivity Screening Laboratory

Functional Bioactivity Screening Laboratory The research lab is involved in the screening of natural products using cellular and organismal functional assays. The assays used include lymphocyte proliferation assay, macrophage phagocytic activity and reactive oxygen species production (respiratory burst assay), lysozyme activity, lipid peroxidation activity, smooth muscle motility and cardiac muscle properties. Other research activities include […]

Research Lab – Regenerative Biology Research Laboratory

Regenerative Biology Research Laboratory The Regen Lab is focused on the study of cell proliferation and cellular aging. We investigate why some cells no longer divide (cellular senescence), while others proliferate indefinitely (cancer and stem cells). We are examining how environmental chemicals and diet influence cell proliferation and how they contribute to disease development and […]

Research Lab – Microbial Ecology of ​​Terrestrial and Aquatic ​Systems Laboratory

Microbial Ecology of ​​Terrestrial and Aquatic ​Systems Laboratory The Microbial Ecology of Aquatic and Terrestrial Systems Laboratory (METAS Lab) was established in early 2017 under the Microbiology and Cell Biology Academic Group, Institute of Biology (IB), University of the Philippines Diliman. Researches in the laboratory are geared towards the study of microorganisms as they relate to […]

Research Lab – Medical Microbiology Laboratory

Medical Microbiology Laboratory The Medical Microbiology Laboratory aims to contribute to our understanding of medically important microorganisms. We study the characteristics, prevalence, and antimicrobial resistance of pathogens like Campylobacter, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus mutans, using morphological, biochemical, and molecular techniques. Our group also studies lactic acid bacteria and bacteriophages, and conducts in silico studies to identify targets for […]

Research Lab – Integrative Research Laboratory

Integrative Research Laboratory The Integrative Research Laboratory (IRL) was established as an integrative approach to higher education to nurture and develop Filipino students’ competencies in the scientific method, arts, and innovation. This integrative graduate research training approach includes three (3) IRL major areas: 1.) Immunopharmacology Research Laboratory focused on training in scientific methods in the fields of Cell […]

Research Lab – Fungal Laboratory

Fungal Laboratory The Fungal Laboratory at the Institute of Biology, University of the Philippines, Diliman, is involved in research, teaching, and extension services on certain aspects of fungi. Our laboratory specializes in the morphological and molecular identification of fungi, detection and measurement of fungicide resistance, and understanding their biology, pathogenicity, and diversity. Our laboratory also […]

Research Lab – Plant Molecular Biology and Genetics Laboratory

Plant Molecular Biology and Genetics Laboratory The Plant Molecular Biology and Genetics Laboratory (formerly called the Plant Genetics and Cyanobacterial Biotechnology Laboratory) focuses on the use of molecular and morphological markers in plants to study traits of agronomic and taxonomic importance, as well as the use of cyanobacteria for biotechnological applications. Get in touch with us for […]

Research Lab – Molecular Population Genetics Laboratory

Molecular Population Genetics Laboratory The Molecular Population Genetics Laboratory (MPGL) focuses on molecular identification, phylogenetics, and genetic diversity analysis of natural populations of fishes and other vertebrates. The lab is also into aquaculture genetics, genetics of invasive and introduced species, and application of multivariate methods to study populations. Ongoing research projects at MPGL are as […]