Jelaine Gan, M.Sc. Instructor 7 |
Bio 11.1 (General biology 1 Laboratory)
Bio 117 (Vertebrate Biology)
Bio 160.1 (Fundamentals of ecology laboratory)
Bio 164 (Biodiversity and Conservation Biology)
My interest lies in the ecology of birds and other vertebrates, on topics such as migration, population biology, and urban ecology. Some of the approaches I use are citizen science, telemetryor GPS tracking, and remote sensing.
Currently, I am studying how habitat fragmentation are affecting bird communities and movement in the forest landscapes of Luzon, Philippines. I will also study how this will impact bird-mediated seed dispersal.
Rio Constantino
Skyla Diaz
- Gan, J., and Española, C. 2021. Road transect surveys and mapping of forest raptor communities in Luzon, Philippines. Journal of Asian Ornithology. (Approved manuscript)
- Gan, J., Tapang, G., and Española, C. 2022. First description of the breeding biology of the North Philippine Hawk-Eagle (Nisaetus philippensis). Wilson Journal of Ornithology 134: 77-85. DOI:10.1676/21-00018
- Bucay, M. A., Abrina, T. A., Gan, J., and Cosico, M. F. 2021. A Technical Analysis on the Manila Bay Dolomite Beach Reclamation Project. Philippine Journal of Public Policy. DOI: 10.54096/YOGV6309
- Fidelino J, and Gan J. 2019. The influence of vegetation and insect abundance on insectivorous bat activity during dusk emergence in an urban space in Metro Manila, Philippines. Science Diliman 31:2, 5-26.