To request for thesis/dissertation proposal and defense schedule, please register here.

The Institute holistically prepares its students to meet the challenges and needs of the society. Learning is not only confined inside the four corners of the classroom; the Institute ensures that students experience an authentic learning experience by having field works in higher Biology courses, as well as giving the students the freedom to conduct their own research and experiments in their thesis work.

CS Guidelines for thesis format CS Guidelines for thesis title page Guidelines for the Selection of the Best graduate Theses

Step 1. Upon completion of all course work, the student may enroll in the first 3 units of the M.S. thesis course (Bio 300 – 3 units) OR the first 3 units of the Ph.D. thesis course (Bio 400 – 3 units)

Step 2. The student requests for the approval* of thesis/dissertation topic and submits the following to the admin office at least one (1) month prior to the presentation: (a) Cover letter with the thesis title, date of proposal defense, name of adviser (including co-adviser who is outside of IB, if any), and name of readers (one reader for MS students AND two readers for PhD Students, unless he/she already has a co-adviser) addressed to the IB Director AND (b) one (1) page capsule proposal, which should contain a short background of the study, significance, objectives, general methodology, and references. The admin office will have a referendum circulated to the graduate committee.

NOTE: Last day of defense is the last day of finals.
*DOST scholars may request for such approval prior to Bio 300/400 enrollment, especially if the scholar is seeking to activate his/her DOST outright grant.

Step 3. The student submits a full thesis/dissertation proposal (endorsed by the Adviser) to the reader(s) at least two (2) weeks before the date of the proposal defense

Step 4. The student ensures that the announcement about the proposal presentation is posted one week before the date of the presentation

Step 5. The student defends his/her proposal. (The adviser will submit a certificate to the admin office that the student has successfully defended his/her thesis)

Upon completion of the dissertation proposal defense, the PhD student must schedule a Colloquium seminar on the progress of dissertation research to be presented at the graduate research colloquia of the college or institute/department at least once every two (2) years (Students under the PhD by research program must also give an oral presentation in an international scientific conference at least once before the end of the last Bio 400 enrollments)

Step 1. Upon completion of thesis proposal defense, student may enroll in the last 3 units of the M.S. thesis course (Bio 300 – 3 units) OR the last 3 units of the Ph.D. thesis course (Bio 400 – 3 units = must complete 12 units in total). The student submits the manuscript to the reader(s) at least two (2) months before the date of the defense, with endorsement from the Adviser and co-adviser (if any).

Step 2. Upon endorsement of the manuscript by the reader(s), the student needs to submit a (A) cover letter with the thesis title, request for the appointment of examiners, and date of defense addressed to the IB Director, endorsed by the adviser (including co-adviser who is outside of IB, if any), (B) one (1) page thesis abstract, AND (C) letter of endorsement by the adviser, co-adviser (if any), and reader(s) with the finalized schedule of the defense through this link at least (1) month before the schedule of the defense. The admin office will have a referendum circulated to the graduate committee.

NOTE: Last day of defense is the last day of finals.

Step 5. The student will defend his/her thesis/dissertation.

Step 6. The student submits a final thesis/dissertation manuscript and a soft copy to IB and CS upon endorsement/signing of the Thesis Adviser and Reader for signature and binding.

FOR PhD STUDENTS: Students must also submit a copy of one (1) paper (as primary author) derived from Dissertation Research and accepted for publication in a highly reputable journal.
FOR PhD STUDENTS BY RESEARCH: Students must submit two (2) papers, instead. Students must also give an oral presentation in an international scientific conference within three (3) years of the program or in a national scientific conference within two (2) years of the program.
Thesis Innovation Form