Congratulations to the BS Biology students who won in the recently concluded 31st Philippine Association for Laboratory Animal Science (PALAS) Annual Scientific Conference held last May 22-23, 2019!

The winners for Best Research Oral Presentation are Anna Rodriguez and Raphaella Griño (1st place), Joey Daya (2nd place) and Gerome Fortu (3rd place). The winners for the Best Research Poster are Isabel Salvador (2nd place) and Carmela Serrano (3rd place). They are all mentored by Dr. Lerrie Ann Ipulan-Colet.

The Institute is very proud of you!

Oral Presentation Winners
Winners of Best Research Oral Presentation: (from left to right) Anna Rodriguez, Raphaella Griño, Joey Daya and Gerome Fortu.

Isabel Salvador
Ms. Iza Salvador won 2nd place in the Best Research Poster competition.

Carmela Serrano
Ms. Carmela Serrano won 3rd place in the Best Research Poster competition.