
Melissa McCarthy responds to Barbra Streisand

Streisand commented on an Instagram post by McCarthy, commenting on her recent weight loss. But there was an issue with the delivery of the comment. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CBS 2 News Chicago brings you breaking news, weather, compelling exclusive content and award-winning investigative reports from the CBS 2 Investigators. Subscribe to CBS 2 News Chicago on YouTube : http://www.youtube.com/user/cbschicago CBS 2 NEWS 24/7 LIVESTREAM: https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/live/ CBS 2 NEWS ON PLUTO TV: https://pluto.tv/en/live-tv/62cdc75b1a1cbd0007ed45dc?gclid=CjwKCAjw0N6hBhAUEiwAXab-TbSSi4Fh_IPmF_dWkGjJt7KM9K2wzqpWTwK3NUIppzjF5uEMvbt1xhoCfYIQAvD_BwE CBS 2 NEWS WEBSITE: https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/cbschicago X (TWITTER): https://twitter.com/CBSchicago GET THE CBS 2 NEWS APP: https://apps.cbslocal.com/chicago/

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