Chrissy Metz explained to guest host Mario Lopez how she met her boyfriend during the pandemic and how they managed to date in quarantine. The actress also shared how she felt about "This Is Us" coming to an end and whether she knows how the beloved series will end. Plus, in honor of "This Is Us," they played a game called "This Is Me, This Is Not Me" to learn more about Chrissy and Mario! #ChrissyMetz #MarioLopez #Ellen #TheEllenShow #EllenDeGeneres Subscribe to The Ellen Show: https://ellen.tv/3D6Sewq FOLLOW THE ELLEN SHOW Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theellenshow/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ellentv/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheEllenShow TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ellendegeneres Website: https://www.ellentube.com/ The place for laughs, joy, stars, surprises, and everything Ellen. How Chrissy Metz Met Her Boyfriend During the Pandemic https://youtu.be/Q39eANncC-I
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